Monday, 21 December 2020

Insulin Health Care, Antidiabetic top 60 Medicinal Plants for Healthy Life.

        Insulin plays a key role in controlling diabetes for a healthy life, Medicinal plants  stimulated for insulin production in your body.

 Diabetes is one of the biggest health care problems in the world, for the lack of a healthy life. In your bloodstream deficiency of insulin or deactivation condition or metabolically inactivation condition of insulin is called diabetes.

Pancreas beta cells produced insulin in normally, insulin plays a very key role in the regularization of sugar level in the bloodstream, and glucose converted into glycogen in the presence of insulin. Lack of or deficiency of insulin condition glucose levels will be increased in the blood. RBC losses their carrying capacity of oxygens transport from the lunges to cells, same time pressers will be increased on heart, kidneys, and liver, if the same situation has continued, vital organs automatically ll be failed and skin the problem also raised because of lack of immunity or reduction of Wbc inactive in the body. So, insulin is a very important enzyme in health care to maintenances of a healthy life.

Insulin medicinal plants

Now-a-day many medication’s or insulin produced available to regularization of blood glucose level or reducing of sugar level in the bloodstream, same time many health care problems or ll be raised when we took medicine. Some of the antidiabetic agents such as sulfonylureas, biguanides and, glinides, those agents are only regularized our body glucose level does not produce or does not stimulate our beta cells in pancreas.

In the above conditions, peoples are looking back to nature, Nature has given such a wonderful medicinal plant for human health care for a healthy life. Medicinal plants contain billions of bioactivephytochemicals for the curing of uncounted diseases or disorders. Medicinal plants play an important key role in the discovery of new drugs for human and animal health care well fears for a healthy life.

Medicinal plants for healthy life

So may family members, medicinal plants produced, beta cells stimulated compounds, or hypoglycemic agent. Some of the family members, such as Liliaceae, Liliaceae, Zingiberene, Asteraceae, Araliaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Moraceae, and Mimosaceae. Here we gaven the top 60 medicinal plants to for the human health care for the healthy life to stimulated insulin production, reduced sugar level and diabetics’  

Top 60 antidiabetic medicinal plants

 1.Abies pindrow belong to Pinaceae family member,2. Acacia arabica, Mimoceacae family member,3.Agrimony Rosaceae family member,4.Aloe barbadensis, Liliaceae family member, 5.Annona sqamosa, Annonaceae family member, 6.Averrhoa bilimbi, Oxalidaceae family member,7.BixaOrellana,Bixaceaefamilymember,8.Boerhaviadiffusa,Nyctaginaceaefamilymember,9.Camelliasinensis,TheaceaefamilyMember,10.Capsicumfrutescens,SolanaceaefamilyMember,11.Cinnamomum Zeylanicum,Lauraceae familymember,12.Clausena anisate, Rutaceae family member,13.EucalyptusGlobulus,MyrtaceaefamilyMember,14.FicusReligiosa,MoraceaefamilyMember,15.HibiscusRosa,MalvaceaefamilyMember,16.Helicteresisora,Sterculiaceaefamilymember,17.Ipomoea batata, Convolvulaceae family member,18.Juniperus communis, Pinaceae family member,19.OleaEuropia,Oleaceafamilymember,20.SwerticaChirayata,GentianaceaefamilyMember,21.ScopariaDulcis,ScophularaceaefamilyMember,22.TinosporaCrispa,MicrospermaceaefmilyMember,23.Urtifcadioica,Urticaceaefamilymember,24.VincaRosea,ApocynaceaefamilyMember,25.ZingiberOfficinale,ZingberaceaefamilyMember,26.Aloevera,LiliaceaefamilyMember,27.Anemarrhenaasphodeloides,Liliaceaefamilymember,8.Bauhiniavariegate,CaesalpiniaceaefamilyMember,29.CamelliSinensis,Theaceaefamilymember,30.CitrullusColocynthis,CucurbitaceaefamilyMember,31.EphedraDistachya,EpheraceaefamilyMember,32.EriobotryaJaponica,RosaceaefamilyMember,33.EugeniaJambolana,Myrtaceaefamilmember,34.FicusbengalensisMoraceae,familyMember,35.GlycyrrizaEradix,Fabaceaefamilymember,36.Momordicacharantia,Cucurbitaceaefamilymember,37.PanaxGinseng,AraliaceaefamilyMember,38.Prunellavulgaris,Labiataceaefamilymember,39.Psidiumguajava,MyrtaceaefamilyMember,40.Pterocarpusarsupium,FabaceaefamilyMember,41.SemenCoicis,Gramineaceaefamilymember,42.SteviareBaudiana,AsteraceaefamilyMember,43.SwertiaChirayita,GentianaceaefamilyMember,44.Teucrium polium, Lamiaceae family member,45.TrgonellaFoenumgraecum,FabaceaefamilyMember,46.ZizyphusSpina,RhamnaceaefamilyMember,47.AegleMarmelos,RutaceaefamilyMember,48.AgrimonyEupatoria,RosaceaefamilyMember,49.AlangiumSalvifolium,AlangiaceaefamilyMember,50.AlliumSativum,LiliaceaefamilyMember,51.PandanusOdorus,PandanaaceaefamilyMember,52.PanaxGinseng,AraliaceaefamilyMember,53.NegellaSativa,RnunculaceaefamilyMember,54.Costusspeciuses,ZingbiraecaefamilyMember,55.PithacalobiumDulce,MamosaceaefamilyMember,56.WithaniaSomnifera,solanceaefamilymember,57.Selaginellatamariscina,belongstoselaginellaceaefamily,58.RadixRehmanniae,belongstoScrophulariaceaefamily,59.RicinusCommunis,belongs to Euphorbiaceae, and 60.Swertia pinicea, belongs to Gentianaceae family member.

These 60 Medicinal plants are very potential insulin-stimulated plants for the health care purpose, and must of active bioactive compounds parent in Costous, Citrullus colocynthis, Momordica, Allium sativum and Ficus bengalensis, those are really very well for the antidiabetics’, insulin production and maintain the health care for the healthily life of humans

 Insulin Health Care, Antidiabetic top 60 Medicinal Plants