📌G.superba one of the Indian, indigenous medicinal plant, commonly known as glory lily, and potential activities to Anti-arthritis and Anti-cancer.
✔ G.superba is a herbaceous climbing perennial herb, leaves are alternate, flower bright, solitary at first greenish later yellow finally scarlet.
✔ Fruits capsule with many seeds. Plant rhizomes are the main parts of medicines
📌In Ayurveda and Yunani medicine, the tuber is well known due to its pungent, bitter, acrid, heating, anti-helminthic, lucrative, exoteric, and antiabortion nature.
✔ It is widely used in the treatment of ulcers, leprosy, anti-tumors, anti-arthritis, abdominal pains, infertility, and skin problem.
📌Pharmacological activities: The traditional and clinical uses of G.superba for the treatment of familial Mediterranean fever,gout,tumors,anti-bacterial,anti-fungal,blood disorders, and anti-parasite.
📌In Ayurvedic pharmacopeia recommends as an ecbolic, hemorrhoid, pain killer, anti-arthritis, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer.
✔ Larger dosages usually result in poisoning and death of patients.
Phytochemicalconstituentsmainly,alkaloids,tannins,sterols,resinous,colchicine,glulisine,and superbine.
📌Colchicine reduces inflammation and relieves the pain associated with acute gout.
✔ Colchicine therapy diminishes the metabolic activity of leukocytes, resulting in reduced phagocytosis of urate microcrystals, interrupting the cycle of new crystal deposition.
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