Friday, 30 June 2017

Alternative Latex from the Indian Medicinal Plant - Carissa caranadas

Alternative latex from the Indian medicinal plant is very important for the current situation, need more research required in  Carissa caranadas  

   Widely distributed throughout India, evergreen deciduous, shrub. 
📌The stem is a rich source of white latex and sharp spines on the branches, leaves are an oblong and conical and rich source of chlorophyll contained, white flowers, fruits are berry. 
📌Young fruits are pinkish-white, while ripe fruits became red to dark purple.
📌Ethnopharmacological very significant plant.
📌 A wide range of phytochemicals imparts immense medicinal values to the plant.
📌It is the active ingredient in a number of ayurvedic formulations and preparation, which includes:MarmaGutka,HridyaMahakashaya,KalkantakaRasa,Kshudrakarvanda,andMarichadi.
Carissa caranadas
📌C.carandas traditionally used as a stomachic, anti-diarrheal, anti-helminthic, strengthen tendons,skin infections, leaves remedy for fevers and syphilitic pains.
Antidiabetic,anticonvulsant,antianalgesic,antiinflammatory,anticancer,antiulcers,antimalarial,antinociceptive,antiDiuretic,antipyreticactivities,cardiovascular and neuropharmacological activities.
📌Some important phytochemical constituents like sesquiterpenes, lupeol, sitosterol, acridone, alkaloids, glycosides, betulinic acids, cortisol, and ursolic acid. 

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