Lantana camara
💧💦💧Verbenaceae 💧💦💧
📌 Lantana camara also know Spanish flag plant.
📌 it is belonging to Verbenaceae and originated
in America, and distributed worldwide it can grow anywhere and any place with
wild ecological tolerance.
📌Lantana camara as an ornamental plant in some parts of the world, the flower showing some esthetic values and its look very good color, to created beauty to land and forests.
📌Beautiful various colored flower indicates for the best examples of epigenetic
expressions of genetically overlapping.
👆Images of Lantana camara👇
👆Images of Lantana camara👇

👆Images of Lantana camera
📌The roots, stem and
leaves contain different bioactive compounds responded to various therapeutic
in traditionally such as the chickenpox,measles, asthma, cancer, high blood
pressure, bilious fever, rheumatism,malaria, inflammation, and ant plasmodial.
📌The phytochemicals mainly
essential oils, phenolic compounds, alkaloids,steroids, sesquiterpenoid, sabiene
and cineole.
📌And Lantana camara
is a verity ornamental plant with a different type of medicinal valued plant
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